Welcome to Tue Tjur's earlier Home Page at

Copenhagen Business School

Center for Statistics, Department of Finance

Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg

About three years after my retirement CBS removed my homepage from their web server. For purely bureaucratic reasons, I suppose, and I wonder why it took so long. But there are still things on this page of common interest, and fortunately I made a backup. The present page contains everything that I can imagine anybody asking me for. And much more, I am afraid.

About myself - CV, employments, research, teaching, publications.

Visit my Download Page.

From this page, some Windows programs (Delphi applications) of my own can be downloaded. This includes

ISUW (Interactive StatUnit for Windows), a small statistics package which can be used as the computational tool in an elementary statistics course where packages like SAS or R would be too overwhelming.

WinT, a nice little program which combines a calculator with a standard set of statistical tables.

Educational material (in Danish).

MPAS Data etc. for a course in applied statistics.

HA(mat), statistik 2. 2nd year statistics course. From this page my lecture notes on probability and statistics can be downloaded in PS or PDF format.

Updated December 2014 by Tue Tjur.